Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Marley's Mello Mood

First let me start a rant on energy drinks:

I hate them, maybe because they don't do a damn thing for me, I have a high tolerance level for one thing, it takes a lot of medication for it to work and energy drinks do absolutely nothing for me. On top of that they taste nasty, I mean whens the last time you heard someone say, "Mmmmm, that Red Bull was tasty!"

And most people only drink them because everyone else is drinking them, that goes especially for Red Bull, which has a nasty aftertaste by the way.

Don't get me started on that  5 hour energy shot, it might as well read "The Hangover helper!" because people seem to think it actually helps.

In the immortal words of  Monty Python:

Off my soap box and onto something else.

Imagine my surprise when I go to my convenience store and amongst an orgiastic array of energy drinks and super sodas this pops up in the cooler:

I kid you not! This drink is supposed to relax me. My first thought was, "Yeah right!"

There is even a warning on the label:

Recommended usage: This product may cause drowsiness. Do not exceed 2 bottles daily, consumed several hours apart. Do not drive or operate heavy machinery after consuming this product. Do not mix with alchohol.

Even the cashier warned me, it will make you sleepy. Whatever...nothing effects me.

Boy was I wrong, this stuff is amazing, forget high dollar sleep aides, over or under-the-counter, forget marijuana. This stuff is cheaper and works so much better. In fact it will knock you on your arse!

All the ingredients are organic, but the ingredient of note is Melatonin. It is made my mammals and plants alike. In humans it is produced by the pineal gland, a gland about the size of a pea, located in the center of the brain but outside the blood-brain barrier. The melatonin signal forms part of the system that regulates the sleep-wake cycle by chemically causing drowsiness and lowering the body temperature.

In other words it helps you go nighty-nite and a possible side-effect is vivid dreams!

This it comes in black tea and green tea with honey, it actually tastes good! I recommend trying it a couple of hours before you go to bed.

This stuff is awesome!

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