Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hot Guy Wednesday!!!

I'm so excited! I didn't even have to think about who would be first. I was first introduced to him only a few months ago, and I'm still trying to find all of his movies to watch them (and re-watch them and re-watch them, as the case seems to be), but I've been a hopeless case since An American in Paris. That's right, you guessed it! The very first Hot Guy for F.A.P. is... GENE KELLY!!!   
  Gene Kelly was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on August 23, 1912, and from his birth to his death in February 2, 1996, his life has been devoted to entertainment, dancing especially, tap dancing religiously. In his life, he was an actor in about 45 movies, a dancer, singer, choreographer, director, producer, T.V. show host, father, husband, and drool-worthy fantasy obsession. 
As I said, my personal obsession with this great man started with An American in Paris, which was immediately followed by Singing in the Rain. I've now seen The Pirate, Summer Stock, Anchors Away, On the Town, and Take me out to the Ballgame. I know you're thinking I'm inexperienced in G.K. Movies, and you're right, I am! I've spent hours going through every classic movies section in almost every store in town. Jeff can testify to my OCD. But, let's be honest. Do you really need to see EVERY Gene Kelly movie to fall hard for him? Heck, no! Pick a movie, any movie, and he either ends up being a man you can admire, aspire to be, or lust after shamelessly (except The Pirate, that one really is a "hit-and-miss" type of movie, not everyone gets it).
 And so, even though all my hopes of finding even half-naked pics of him are non-existent, even though he has passed on from this world, he's not just a hottie, he is a hotter-than-the-sun, say-what-you-want, you-know-you-can't-deny-it Super Hottie!! To Gene Kelly!!

1 comment:

  1. Just came across this post searching for a photo for Pinterest of my second movie-star crush (my first was Errol Flynn - I was 6, shameful I know!!). Not long after that I discovered Gene Kelly in Anchors Away and Singing In The Rain and have loved him ever since. He is truly swoon-worthy! I love that first photo that you posted, hello super-hottie! :)
